Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bored? Well have I got a movie for you!

Wednesday Morning May 2nd 2013

Are you looking for a good movie to cuddle up with on Friday night in? Well, have I got  a movie for you! So get your popcorn and snuggle up one your couch with a blanket and get ready for this moving experience.

"The Way" (2010)

The Way is a story of an American eye Doctor whose son is killed in a storm on his first day walking the eight-hundred kilometer Camino de Santiago de Compastela (or the way of Saint James) to The Cathedral of Santiago de Compastela in Galicia Spain. Which is where it is said that Apostle Saint James is buried. Tom, the eye doctor, comes to France to retrieve his son and he decides to walk The Camino and spread his son's ash's throughout the path.

My Story:
The Way was recommended to me because one of my passions is hiking and hiking The Camino is on my bucket list. I have done a bit of hiking myself, mainly in The White Mountains.

My Thoughts:
The Way was an extremely powerful and moving story. It was very well done and was very inspirational. The story of Tom and everyone he met on The Way of The Camino was uplifting and memorable.

My only concerns to The Way were on the length of the movie. The movie was a whopping two hours, which although at this point may not sound like allot, but the story seemed to drag on as it got to the ending.

The Ending of The Way was truly the most powerful of the entire movies.

The Ending (Warning: Spoiler Alert):
The Ending of The Way was my favorite part of the movie not because it was the most well done, but because it was very moving how Tom and all of his hiking friends became content with who they are when they came to walk The Camino to change themselves.

Although, they didn't think they changed themselves, they did by becoming content with who they are and the attributes of themselves they didn't care for or wanted to change.

My Road to the Camino de Compastela:
Since I learned about The Camino a few years ago, I have felt compelled to one day go and walk the Camino de Compastela. And one day in the near future I will. I have started plans to do so in about three years. The Camino is a very long and powerful journey. And as I have so learned it takes much preparation. The Camino can take anywhere from one to three months.

The Camino de Santiego is a very beautiful walk. Through the small cities of Spain, the mountain tops and rivers make this walk very inspiring. The Way does an amazing job capturing the true bueaty behind The Camino de Santiago de Compestela.

Words of Wisdom:
Find what you love to do and want to do and go out and do it. Get your bucket list done as soon as you can. If The Way has shown me anything, it was that there is never enough time.

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  1. You sold me. I'm going to watch this one. Looks great.

  2. I wanted to watch this movie a few months ago..and then I totally forgot about it.. I'm gonna watch it now for sure!=)
